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FORUM MEETING Adoption of the agenda and the report of the Forum n°3 - Mr Wolfgang ZORNBACH Annual activity report 2018-2019 - Mr. Paul LUU - Executive Secretary Latest IPCC report on land and soil use – Mr. Jean-François SOUSSANA, Member of IPCC & Vice-President of INRA (France)
The CIRCASA Project and the prospects for an IRC – Mrs. Cristina ARIAS-NAVARRO, Scientific Officer "Soils and Climate Change" INRA (France) - CIRCASA Project The Activity Report of the Scientific and Technical Committee - Mrs. Cornelia RUMPEL, Chair of the Scientific and Technical Committee
What about the soil in the NDCs of countries in front of the UNFCCC? - Mrs. Liesl WIESE-ROZANOVA, Agricultural Science and Policy International Consultant
The "4 per 1000" on a country scale: what is France doing? - Mr. Frédéric LAMBERT, Head of the Europe and International Bureau - Ministry of Agriculture & Food (France) The agricultural world in the face of the change in model: the situation in Latin America and elsewhere in the world - Mr. Pedro VIGNEAU, Honorary President AAPRESID (Argentina), in the name of GCAN What role for companies in changing value chains? - Mrs Dalma SOMOGYI, Manager « Climate Smart Agriculture », WBCSD (Switzerland) and Mr. Facundo ETCHEBERE, Director of Public Affairs of Danone (France)
Result of the first call for projects for assessment. – Mrs. Paloma MELGAREJO, Scientific Officer Executive Secretariat 4p1000 Report on the progress and commitments of the Initiative's partners - National and local governments, international organisationsand development banks college - presented by M. Bernard - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany Report on the progress and commitments of the Initiative's partners - Farmer & foresters college - presented by G. Rass, APAD - France
Report on the progress and commitments of the Initiative's partners - Research and education institutions college - presented by J.L. Chotte, IRD - France Report on the progress and commitments of the Initiative's partners - NGOs & civil society college - presented by P. Phiri, Regeneration International - Zimbabwe Conclusion of the Forum by Mr. Wolfgang ZORNBACH, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany |